Guidelines for Authors
Articles should result from original research and be previously unpublished and not submitted for publishing elsewhere.
Articles are accepted in Latvian with summaries in either Latvian or English. Foreign authors can submit articles in their native languages with summaries in English. The editor ensures translation of accepted texts or their summaries into Latvian as well as translation of Latvian summaries into English.
Submitting an article, the author declares it to be a completely original work with all the used sources appropriately referenced or cited.
Academic merits of submitted articles are reviewed anonymously. If the accepted article has minor flaws, the author has to make corrections and comment the disputable information.
Articles must comply with the following requirements.
Manuscript guidelines
- The manuscript should be prepared in three separate files:
- the article (up to 40 000 characters (with spaces))
- list of images
- summary (up to 6000 characters (with spaces))
- The author also sends information about himself to the editor when submitting an article: name, surname, year of birth, academic degree, workplace and position, e-mail address.
- The editor accepts MS Word Document texts, font size – 14, line spacing – 1.5. Title font size – 16 (bolded), subtitle font size 14 (bolded).
- The text should not contain inserted images but consecutive bracketed, bolded image references, for example, (1), (2–5), according to the numbered list of images in a separate file.
- Persons mentioned in the text must be given full name and surname (and bracketed birth and death year) at the first mention, including bracketed original spelling for non-Latvians. Only surname is used below, except in cases when a person’s name adds to stylistic unity or the clarity of the message. The rule does not apply to the formatting of bibliographical notes and cases when initials of mentioned persons have not been yet deciphered.
- The number of images depends on the content of the article.
- Image files must be obtained from original sources and scanned in high resolution (300–1000 dpi), depending on the size of the image. If the image needs enlargement, 600 dpi and more. Digital images are submitted in JPG, PSD or TIF formats.
Formatting of references
Bruģis D. Historisma pilis Latvijā. – Rīga: Sorosa fonds – Latvija, 1996. – 61. lpp.
Janis Rozentāls: Reprodukciju albums / Sast. un teksta autore I. Pujāte. – Rīga: Liesma, 1991. – 15. att.
Imants Tillers. Ceļojums uz nekurieni: Izstādes katalogs / Red. E. Ansone, M. Williams. – Rīga: Latvijas Nacionālais mākslas muzejs, 2018. – 138. lpp.
Lexikon baltischer Künstler / Hg. von W. Neumann. – Riga: Jonck & Poliewsky, 1908. – S. 49
Mākslas vēsture / Visp. red. V. Purvītis, red. V. Peņģerots. – Rīga: Grāmatu draugs, 1934–1936. – 1.–3. sēj.
Siliņš J. Latvijas māksla: 1800–1914. – Stokholma: Daugava, 1980. – 2. sēj. – 20. lpp.
Lancmanis I. Iecavas muiža = Gross-Eckau. – [Rundāle]: Rundāles pils muzejs, 2001. – 28. lpp. – 36. att.
Skulme U. Atmiņu grāmata / Sast. L. Slava. – Rīga: Neputns, 2013. – 281.–282. lpp.
Articles and chapters in collected articles, catalogues, collective monographs
Pelše S. Kristapa Eliasa teorētisko principu avoti // Latvijas mākslas un mākslas vēstures likteņgaitas / Sast. R. Kaminska. – Rīga: Neputns, 2001. – 96. lpp.
Grosa S. Architecture // Art History of Latvia. – Vol. 4: Period of Neo-Romanticist Modernism. 1890–1915 / Ed. by E. Kļaviņš. – Riga: Institute of Art History of the Latvian Academy of Art; Art History Research Support Foundation, 2014. – P. 421.
Articles in journals and other serial editions
Siliņš J. Piezīmes par mākslas dzīvi un māksliniekiem Jelgavā kopš 19. gs. // Senatne un Māksla. – 1937. – Nr. 3. – 109.–149. lpp.
Kaminska R. Filipo Kastaldi un viņa mantojums // Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija. – 2004. – Nr. 2. – 20.–27. lpp.
Pelše S. Creating the Discipline: Facts, Stories and Sources of Latvian Art History // Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi. – 2010. – Vol. 19. – No. 3/4. – P. 26–41.
Newspaper articles
Madernieks J. Baltijas mākslinieku gleznu izstāde // Dzimtenes Vēstnesis. – 1909. – Nr. 25. – 31. janv. (13. febr.).
Articles in dated online media
Pelše S. Doubts of a Post-Modernist Dilettante // Echo Gone Wrong. – 2016. – 23 Feb. (
Articles in undated online resources
Kļaviņš E. 1840.–1890. g. Tēlniecība // Latvijas mākslas vēsture (–_1890._g._Tēlniecība, sk. 04.05.2016.)
Archival materials
Latvian State Historical Archive (below LSHA), coll. 3142, reg. 1, file 71, p. 7.
Other specific details, such as the title of the archival file, etc., can be also included in the source description if necessary.
Designations in references must correspond to the language of the publication:
Loodus R. Kunstielust Eestis aastail 1918–1944. – Tallinn: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus, 1999. – Lk. 80–82
Kļaviņš E. Die Kunst in Riga um 1900. Ein Überblick // Architektur und bildende Kunst im Baltikum um 1900 (= Kunst im Ostseeraum: Greifswalder kunsthistorische Studien. – Bd. 3) / Hg. von E. Grosmane, B. Hartel, J. Keevallik, B. Lichtnau. – Frankfurt am Main etc.: Peter Lang, 1999. – S. 5–19.
Bibliographical information known to the author but not mentioned in the source (publication year, deciphered cryptonym, spelling of the author’s name in translated editions, etc.) must be indicated in square brackets:
Zierer E. Objektive Wertgruppierung: Kunstmonographische Übersicht über das Werk von Walter-Kurau. – Berlin: J. J. Ottens, [1930]. – S. 29. – Abb. 2.
R. [Rozentāls J.]. Mākslas izstādes // Vērotājs. – 1903. – Nr. 2. – 248. lpp.
Brizgela E. [Bryzgel A.]. Miervaldis Polis / Tulk. S. Pelše. – Rīga: Neputns, 2015.
Repeatedly quoted sources are shortened, except in cases that can cause misunderstandings due to similar or congruent titles:
Zierer E. Objektive Wertgruppierung. – S. 15
Pelše S. Kristapa Eliasa teorētisko principu avoti. – 99. lpp.
Siliņš J. Latvijas māksla: 1800–1914. – 2. sēj. – 20. lpp.
Turpat. – 98. lpp.
Formatting of image captions
Image captions of reproduced artworks, except in cases when some parameters remain unknown, must contain the following information: artist, title, date, material, dimensions, collection, photographer and / or image source:
Ģederts Eliass. Woman in Pink Stockings. Ca. 1920. Oil on canvas. 86 x 102 cm. Ģederts Eliass Jelgava History and Art Museum. Photo: Mārcis Stumbris
Pēteris Krastiņš. Self-Portrait. Not later than 1911. Charcoal and chalk on paper. Location unknown. From: Ilustrēts Žurnāls. – 1925. – Nr. 10. – 290. lpp.
For architectural objects, information includes the architect’s name, title, location and date of the object, photographer, and the date of the photograph or the image source:
Teodors Hermanovskis. Building of the cinema “Daile” at 31 Krišjāņa Barona Street in Riga. 1936. Photo: Ieva Vīriņa, 2006
Subate Lutheran Church. 1686. Photo: Anna Ancāne, 2005
For all graphic or photographic materials from collections or publications, location or the published source must be provided:
Riga St. James’ Church layout and south façade. From: Neumann W. Das mittelarlterliche Riga. – Berlin: Springer, 1892
Aleksandrs Vanags. Ca. 1900. Latvian Museum of Architecture, inv. No. V18–31