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Art History of Latvia

The main project of the AAL Institute of Art History since 2013 is the multi-volume publication “Art History of Latvia” edited by Eduards Kļaviņš. Research and publication is financially supported in stages by the State Cultural Capital Foundation. The general thematic programme of seven volumes embraces the development of architecture and visual arts in the territory of Latvia from prehistoric times to the turn of the 21st century:

Volume I (2024)
Art of Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. Art and Architecture of the Middle Ages. 9th Millenium BC – First Half of the 16th Century

Volume II (work in progress)
Period of Classical Elements. 1561–1680 / Periods of Baroque and Rococo. 1680–1780

Volume III (2019, in two books)
Period of Classicism and Romanticism. 1780–1840 / Period of Realism and Historicism. 1840–1890

Volume IV (2014) 
Period of Neo-Romanticist Modernism. 1890–1915

Volume V (2016)
Period of Classical Modernism and Traditionalism. 1915–1940

Volume VI (work in progress)
Period of the First Two Occupations. 1940–1945 / Period of Socialist Realism and the Art of Diaspora. 1945–1985

Volume VII
Period of Late Modernism and Postmodernism. 1985–2015

The volumes are results of collaboration between the Institute’s researchers and other specialists who contribute specific chapters on particular art fields and time periods. Numerous cultural heritage institutions that hold Latvia’s artistic values and evidences about them are also involved. Each publication is available in separate Latvian and English versions.

© Art Academy of Latvia Institute of Art History 2025.
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