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Volume IV: Period of Neo-Romanticist Modernism. 1890–1915

Edited by Eduards Kļaviņš

Contributors: Eduards Kļaviņš, Kristiāna Ābele, Silvija Grosa and Valdis Villerušs

Riga: Institute of Art History of the Latvian Academy of Art; Art History Research Foundation, 2014. 640 pp., 916 images

ISBN 9789934847134

Published simultaneously with the Latvian original.

Copy editor: Kristiāna Ābele
Translators into English: Stella Pelše, Valdis Bērziņš
English language editors: Andris Mellakauls, Stella Pelše, Kristīne Ivaško
Designer: Ieva Vīriņa
Project administrator: Daina Lāce

Initiating a multi-volume edition “Art History of Latvia”, the Institute of Art History has published the volume “Period of Neo-Romanticist Modernism: 1890–1915” in separate Latvian and English versions, edited by Director of the Institute, Prof. Eduards Kļaviņš. Himself the author of chapters on Historiography, Historical Background and Fine Arts, the general editor co-operated with Kristiāna Ābele (Artistic Life), Silvija Grosa (Architecture, Applied Art and Design) and Valdis Villerušs (Book Design).

The decisive support to the project was given by State Culture Capital Foundation in its 2013 target programme “Culture Events of National Importance”. Among the numerous helpful colleagues and partner institutions, the Latvian National Museum of Art deserves special acknowledgement. The whole “Art History of Latvia” is a tribute to the Centenary of the Republic of Latvia. The book is printed at “Jelgavas tipogrāfija”.

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