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Sanatorium Architecture in Latvia: 1918–1940

Sanatorium Architecture in Latvia: 1918–1940

In Latvian with English summary
Title in Latvian: Sanatoriju arhitektūra Latvijā: 1918–1940

Karīna Horsta

Copy editor: Māra Ņikitina
Translator into English: Stella Pelše
Editor of English: Kristiāna Ābele
Designer: Rauls Liepiņš (“Al secco”)

Riga: Institute of Art History of the Latvian Academy of Art; Art History Research Support Foundation, 2018. 256 pp., 274 images.
ISBN 9789934872129

This study is an analytical survey of sanatoriums built and arranged in the Republic of Latvia during the inter-war period, broadening the view on the healthcare architecture at that time. In Latvia’s history of sanatorium architecture that began in the 1870s and lasted till the 1980s, the 1920s–30s saw the peak of the sanatorium construction type as a well-considered, stylistically consistent architectural object, organically blending in with the landscape and surrounding buildings. Leading architects of the time, like Ernests Štālbergs, Kārlis Bikše and Aleksandrs Klinklāvs, have greatly contributed to the development of Latvia’s sanatorium architecture. Because of the specific requirements for sanatoriums, the researched objects are mostly located outside Riga – in rural areas and former resorts throughout Latvia. The book results from the author’s Master’s Thesis, defended at the Art History Department of the Latvian Academy of Art in 2016.

English summary: Sanatorium Architecture in Latvia: 1918–1940. P. 234–241

Supported by the State Culture Capital Foundation and printed at “Jelgavas tipogrāfija”.

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