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Architecture and Urban Planning of Riga in the 2nd Half of the 17th Century

Architecture and Urban Planning of Riga in the 2nd Half of the 17th Century

In Latvian with English and German summaries
Title in Latvian: Rīgas arhitektūra un pilsētbūvniecība 17. gadsimta otrajā pusē

Anna Ancāne

Copy editor: Kristiāna Ābele
Translator into English: Stella Pelše
Translator into German: Agnese Bergholde
Designer: Rauls Liepiņš (“Al secco”)

Riga: Institute of Art History of the Latvian Academy of Art; Art History Research Support Foundation, 2016. 448 pp., 312 images.

ISBN 9789934847172

 The 17th century was a period of significant transformations in the architecture of Riga. The medieval town turned into a modern-time Baroque city. This complex process was exemplified by a diverse spectrum of phenomena – reconstruction programme of fortifications, architecture of sacred, public and residential buildings as well as their décor. The study of Baroque Riga’s changing visual image and relevant international sources is supplied with a rich array of images from Latvian and foreign archives, museums and libraries. The publication is based on the doctoral dissertation defended at the Art Academy of Latvia in 2010.

English summary: Architecture and Urban Planning of Riga in the 2nd Half of the 17th Century. P. 353–379

German summary: Architektur und Stadtbau von Riga in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. P. 390–422

Supporters: State Culture Capital Foundation, Riga City Council, State Research Programme Letonica and M. C. A. Böckler – Mare Balticum-Stiftung (Germany).

Printed at Jelgavas tipogrāfija.

Electronic version of the book can be purchased here

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