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Journal “Art History and Theory”

Art Academy of Latvia Institute of Art History publishes the scientific journal Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija (“Art History and Theory”) since 2003. It is the only academic periodical in art history in the Republic of Latvia. The publisher aims to present articles based on fundamental research of all branches of visual arts, architecture, applied arts, design and art theory in Latvia and the Baltic region. The editor also accepts research results by foreign art historians. The journals are published once or twice a year. Articles are published in Latvian with English summaries. Articles in other languages are accepted too and published with Latvian summaries. Articles, except book reviews and texts in the rubrics of the archive and chronicles, are peer-reviewed anonymously. The journal is included and indexed at SCOPUS, CEEOL, CEJSH, KUBICAT and EBSCO data bases.

All published articles in Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija are protected by copyright. No material in the journal may be reproduced and distributed prior to written permission of the Institute of Art History.

Editor in chief: Dr. art. Elita Grosmane

Editorial board: Prof. Dr. art. Mart Kalm (Tallinn, Estonia), Dr. art. Rūta Kaminska (Riga, Latvia), Dr. habil. art. Eduards Kļaviņš (Riga, Latvia), Dr. art. Ingrida Korsakaitė (Vilnius, Lithuania), Prof. emer. Dr. phil. Lars Olof Larsson (Kiel, Germany), Prof. Dr. habil. art. Małgorzata Omilanowska (Warsaw, Gdansk, Poland), Dr. arch. Jānis Zilgalvis (Riga, Latvia), Prof. Dr. Konrad A. Ottenheym (Utrecht, the Netherlands).

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Guidelines for Authors

© Art Academy of Latvia Institute of Art History 2025.
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