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Sniedze Kāle

Position: research assistant

Degree: MA in art history (Mg. art.)

Phone: mob. +371 29218766


Born on 4 March 1985 in Riga.


Working at the Institute of Art History since 2021.

Research interests: 20th and 21st century art.

Other fields of activity: contemporary art criticism, curatorial work, managing the animation film studio Studija Kokles.

Education: Riga 45th Secondary School (1992–2004), Art History Department of the Art Academy of Latvia (BA diss. “Iconography of Socialist Realist painting in Latvia”, 2008; MA diss. “Iconography of Socialist Realist painting in Latvia in the context of canonical examples and analogies”, 2010).

Since 2011 – Doctoral programme at the Art Academy of Latvia. Subject of Ph.D. diss.: “Latvian artists in Soviet Russia (1917–1938)”, scientific supervisor Eduards Kļaviņš.



Edited volume

Zuzānu kolekcija / Sast., priekšvārda aut. un līdzautore Sniedze Sofija Kāle. – Rīga: Neputns, 2017. – 477 lpp.

The Zuzāns Collection / Ed., introd. and text co-author Sniedze Sofija Kāle. – Riga: Neputns, 2018. – 462 p.



Issues in Gustavs Klucis’ Agitational Stand Research // Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija. – 2024. – Nr. 28. – 82.–97. lpp. Open access Open Access

Torn between Two States: Leftist Latvian Artists in Latvia in the 1920s and 1930s // Art and the State in Modern Central Europe (18th – 21st Century) / Ed. by Josipa Alviž, Dragan Damjanović, Jasmina Nestić, Jeremy F. Walton. – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb; FF press, 2024. –  P. 203–216. Open access Open Access

Divdesmit pieci neiespējami atkārtojumi [Twenty-five impossible repetitions]: [Edgars Vērpe] // Maigās svārstības / Sast. Sandra Krastiņa. – Rīga: Neputns, 2023. – 500.–509. lpp.

Paisumi un bēgumi Padomju Krievijas latviešu mākslas dzīvē saskarsmē ar Rīgas mākslinieku grupu [The ebbs and flows in the interactions between Latvian artistic life in Soviet Russia and the members of the Riga Artists Group] // Muzeja raksti. – Rīga: Latvijas Nacionālais mākslas muzejs, 2023. – 8. laid.: Rīgas mākslinieku grupa 100 / Sast. Natālija Jevsejeva. – 153.–170. lpp. Summary: EN.

Padomju Krievijas Latviešu kreisās mākslas frontes liktenis – sliktenis [The Unkind Fate of the Latvian Left Front for the Arts in Soviet Russia] // Letonica. – 2023. – Nr. 50. – 60.–90. lpp. Summary: EN. Open access Open Access

Latviešu kreisās mākslas uzliesmojumi 20. gs. 20. un 30. gados Padomju Krievijā un Latvijā [Flashes of Latvian leftist art in Latvia and Soviet Russia during the 1920s and 30s] // Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija. – 2021. – Nr. 25. – 39.–53. lpp. Summary: EN.

Voldemārs Andersons. Komūnas “Zemnieks” vizualizācija un tās attiecības ar realitāti [Voldemārs Andersons. Visualisation of the commune “Peasant” and its relationships with reality] // Studija. – 2017. – Nr. 115. – 26.–31. lpp.

Latviešu mākslinieku ieguldījums revolucionārā latviešu strēlnieku tēla stiprināšanā Padomju Krievijā (1917–1938) [The endowment of the Latvian artists into the formation of image of Latvian revolutionary riflemen in the Soviet Russia (1917–1938)] // Demokrātiskie procesi Austrumu un Centrālajā Eiropā 1917. gadā: Politiskie, militārie, sociālie un kultūras aspekti. Konferences rakstu krājums. – Rīga: Latvijas Kara muzejs, 2017. – 144.–160. lpp. Summary: EN.

Latvian Riflemen’s Young Artists Circle Daile and its Members. Revision of the Current Interpretation // Saint-Petersburg Historical Journal. – 2016. – No. 4. – P. 144–159.

Latviešu mākslinieki kara gaitās. 1914–1922 [Latvian artists in Military Service. 1914–1922] // Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija. – 2015. – Nr. 18. – 84.–102. lpp. Summary: EN.

Perifērijas jēdziens PSRS un latviešu mākslinieku pieredzē braucienos ārpus Maskavas 1920. un 1930. gados [The notion of periphery in the USSR and Latvian artists’ mission expierience outside Moscow in the 1920s and 1930s] // Literatūra un kultūra. Process, mijiedarbība, problēmas. – Daugavpils: Saule, 2013. – 14. laid.: Centrs – perifērija kultūrā: Zinātnisko rakstu krājums / Sast. Maija Burima. – 157.–166. lpp. Summary: EN.

Latviešu mākslinieku darbība Padomju Krievijā kā valsts kultūrpolitikas sastāvdaļa. 1917–1940 [Latvian artists’ activities in Soviet Russia as part of the state cultural policy. 1917–1940] // Latvijas vizuālās mākslas Eiropas kontekstā: Apvienotā Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku III un Letonikas IV kongresa sekcijas referāti / Sast. Elita Grosmane. – Rīga: Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Mākslas vēstures institūts; Mākslas vēstures pētījumu atbalsta fonds, 2011. – 88.–97. lpp.

Ausekļa Baušķenieka darbība latentajā period [Auseklis Baušķenieks’ actitivities in the latent period of his work] // Auseklis Baušķenieks / Sast. Laima Slava. – Rīga: Neputns, 2010. – 272.–293. lpp.


Exhibitions: Kārlis Vītols’ solo exhibition “The Journey to America” at Kalnciema Quarter Gallery accompanied with creative workshops for children and teenagers (2020). / Art of the Awakening period from the Zuzāns Collection “Live Chain” at Mūkusala Art Salon, below MAS (2019–2020). / Co-curator of the Zuzāns Collection exhibition “Top in Formation” in the large hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art, below LNMA (2017, together with Diāna Barčevska, Ingūna Ģēģere, Agnese Kleina, Līga Lindenbauma, Valts Miķelsons). / “Cézanne’s Touch”, an exhibition of Latvian painting influenced by Paul Cézanne from the Zuzāns Collection, MAS (2017). / Paulis Liepa’s solo exhibition “The Cabinet of Beautiful Arts”, MAS (2017). / Jānis Avotiņš’ solo exhibition “Wanderers in Space-time”, MAS (2017). / Exhibition of the Zuzāns Collection and the LNMA “Mythical Coordinates”, MAS (2016). / Georgs Šenbergs’ centenary exhibition “Outside Time” from the LNMA and private collections, MAS (2015–2016). / Rasa Jansone’s solo exhibition “The Little One”, MAS (2015). / Exhibition of artists’ self-portraits from the Zuzāns Collection “Me and me”, MAS (2015). / Zuzāns Collection exhibition “Madonnas”, MAS (2013). / Kārlis Vītols’ solo exhibition “Cult”, MAS (2013). / Zuzāns Collection exhibition “In the Shelter of Surrealism”, MAS (2013). / Rasa Jansone’s solo exhibition “Everyday Masculinity”, MAS (2012). / Paulis Liepa‘s solo exhibition “Still Life”, MAS (2012). / Exhibition “Rūdolfs Pinnis – 110”, Cēsis Exhibition Hall (2012). / Exhibition “The Naughty Ones. Artists as Challengers of Society”, LNMA exhibition hall “Arsenāls” (2012). / The Zuzāns Collection exhibition “Foreigners”, MAS (2012). / Laura Ozola’s solo exhibition “Cloudless Horizon”, MAS (2012). / Painter Rūdolfs Pinnis’ 109th jubilee exhibition, MAS (2011). / Andris Eglītis solo exhibition “Earth Works”, MAS (2011). / Contemporary art exhibition “Mutants”, MAS (2011).


Reports at scientific conferences: in Latvia (Riga, Madona, Daugavpils) and Croatia (Zagreb).


Research and study trips: St. Petersburg and Moscow (international exchange programme of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2012–2013; 2019), Thessaloniki (2011, 2024).


Scholarships and honours: European Social Fund target scholarship for doctoral studies in the academic year 2011/2012, Boris Vipper honorary scholarship (2008).


Languages: Latvian (native), English and Russian (fluent). 


Latest updates: 2024/11.

© Art Academy of Latvia Institute of Art History 2025.
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